Bl�he, Deutsches Vaterland

(Bloom, German Fatherland)
There's a campaign running in Germany right now, mainly for the youth. It says "You are Germany" and basically tries to plant national patriotism back into us. To me it is a very sad try to reanimate all the positive feelings for 'our' Country in a time without positive things happening, a time of political mess, identity crisis and stagnation in every way. I don't think I will ever identify myself with my Country just like, for example the Americans do; in good or bad times, because to me, politics, personal situations and incidents have a huge impact on what I feel about living here. I just can't separate a government from a country, I can't separate my living standards from this country, I can't be proud of something that hasn't an emotional meaning to me as in "I am Germany".
Don't get me wrong, I am proud to not be born in North Korea for example. I am proud to have the freedom of speech � real freedom of speech, I am proud to live in a Country that is so much of a Democracy it's already sick and absolutely not working anymore, but patriotism is something else to me than just a Country. If there are actually people that can be sold on a campaign that runs TV spots just between hair dye and cat food at 11:30 am, well then I can't be proud and patriotic.


04:12 + 10.10.05

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